Friday, March 13, 2009

it's Second Saturday weekend!

March 14 is Second Saturday.   Many art galleries in Sacramento, Roseville and Fair Oaks stay open late on the second Saturday of each month and host "open houses".

In addition, there are family-friendly activities here in Roseville!   Check out this link

You can spend an entire Saturday at Maidu Center for only $14/family.   Make it a special Second Saturday!

A "p.s." for the kids:   be sure to take a sketchbook with you on your Second Saturday adventure!  All you need is a sketchbook and a good quality pencil.  Sketch your favorite parts of your day and when you return home, you can add color with crayons, markers, colored pencils or watercolors... or not!  It's up to YOU because it's your art!

Your sketches will bring back these fun memories more than a photograph - because you will be sketching what YOU see and what was most important to YOU.   Have fun. . .  and I'd love to see them so post a link in a reply to me, ok?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Is the doom and gloom getting you down?  Here's a prescription!

Traditions are a wonderful way to draw families and friends close to us and to focus on the blessings of life that don't have to do with the economy.  Part of the JUICY lifestyle is to embrace simplicity and love with GUSTO!

Here are a few ideas for planning for next week because...    St Patrick's Day is coming up!

I encourage you to celebrate family and embrace the JUICY-ness of life!   Here are a few ideas for next week - March 17 - St Patrick's Day!

Whip up a recipe or two,  set the table with a white or green tablecloth, sprinkle Lucky Charms cereal and/or chocolate coins around the table for edible decorations!   And when everyone is seated, kick off the celebration with this traditional Irish toast:

"May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, the sun shine warm upon your face, the rain fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the hallow of his Hand"

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Celebrating the birthday of DR. SEUSS!

One of my favorite places to take my students is the Blue Line Gallery on Vernon Street in Roseville.

In honor of Dr. Seuss, the Blue Line is currently hosting a special exhibit: The Art of Dr. Seuss.   In addition, you can continue celebrating the event thru March 7, 2009, by attending "Seussical the Musical" showing at the Magic Circle Theatre also on Vernon Street in Roseville.